Friday, January 09, 2009

Meta Meta Meta Blogging (II)

Last week, I posted on Toronto philosopher and drink-mixing gadfly Mark Kingwell's Globe and Mail article on idleness. I quipped about his commenters, and then who shows up to comment on his own article? Mark Kingwell!

And his comment is a model of patrician self-deprecation:

Mark Kingwell from writes: Hi everyone, many thanks for the comments. Russell's essay on idleness is indeed a good one, which is why I discuss it at length in the introduction to "The Idler's Glossary." For those interested, I make clear there how my position is distinct from his (and Aristotle's) in what I think are important ways.

I'm still looking, in idle moments, for the definition of plagiarism that includes exchanges of different ideas on the same topic. For some of us, that's called philosophy.
Again, friends, buy his book. And to heap irony upon irony, I urge you to read his comments against those of his virtual interlocutors - does one see the wit, the sophistication, the rhetorical compression is his response?

How I wish I had someone like that commenting here!

Bravo Professor Kingwell! Now how about another Gimlet?

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