Wednesday, January 21, 2009

National Film Board Now Online

The NFB has digitized their collection, so now I can do stuff like this:

This is Arthur Lipsett's 21-87, a very well-known experimental film, and also the inspiration for the Force. Seriously.

If Canadians were just a little bit more myopic, our identity "problems" would be over. Oh yes, and if we all also spoke French and English and Cree (at least).

Or better yet, Finnish. Seriously. (Some other time)

Anyway, what the NFB has done is really tremendous. It also shows, contra Philip Marchand's ridiculous article in the National Post musing about why Canadians can't name many national authors, shows that both greatness and government funding can go hand in hand.

I will take a stab at mocking Marchand's article next week - but today, I will watch, what is, for many Canadian boys my age, the greatest NFB film - the Hockey Sweater!!!

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